Thursday, November 1, 2007

Zebulon Pike Pierce

Before I get started this month, I owe whatever readers I have a sincere apology for a lack of... well... anything for October. My first excuse that on October 1st, I was traveling around China's Special Administrative Region. My other excuse is that I wanted to post something fresh for you, but I got caught up working on a bigger project that's too early to talk about.

But have no fear, it's a new month, and as a special treat, I have a brand new story that I literally finished yesterday. I'm sure there are still some kinks to iron out (maybe a new name is in order, not sure how I feel about the title) but all in all, I'm pretty happy with this one.

So again, sorry about last month. But without any further delay, I present to you the adventures of Zebulon Pike Pierce! I really hope you enjoy this one.

See you next month (I promise!),
- Shawn