Thursday, March 20, 2008

It is with much sadness that I announce that this is the end of this fine blog. It was a nice run, plagued with delays and a few more delays, but alas, all good things must come to an end.

But fear not all you people who were just sort of starting to think I may be able to string a plot along not so terribly.

go to ... for... something slightly different.

thank you everyone who checked out the blog, and please be sure to migrate that hard fought for time to my new site when it's fully operational (death star reference).

be seeing you real soon,

Monday, March 3, 2008

Something's coming... soon

Check this spot in the next two days or so for something... new and different.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Been a bad, bad boy...

I'm sorry. Really, really sorry.

And since this is the second time that I'm beginning a post with an apology that has nothing to do with a poorly constructed story, maybe I should do something about this.

First, my reason. You're reading it here first, but I haven't had much time to devote to my short fiction, between my teaching job here, the general wackiness of living in China, and above all else... I'm knee deep into my first attempt at writing a novel.

I'm really excited about it, and can't wait to tell everyone more about it.

But we're still a ways a way from that.

What I can say, and promise, is that you should check back to this spot in a month. There probably won't be a new story (but hey, it can happen...), but I will promise a huge bit of news that will showcase some real cool things to come.

Sorry I'm being coy... but it's all for a reason! Trust me...